Our Products

ORBITS FINANCE – Financial & Accounting System

ORBIT Financials comprises the Accounts receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Payments Processing, Fixed Assets, Financial Budgeting, Project Costing, Bank Reconciliation, Facility Limits Monitoring and MIS modules. Some are part of the standard offering and some are priced separately.

The general ledger supports the accounting and financial reporting requirements of an organization through the generation of reconcilable financial statements for multiple accounting standards.

Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable manages the billing of customers that owe money to the organization for goods and services, and is an integral part of sales management.

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable manages invoices that the organization owes to vendors, and is an integral part of the purchasing system.

Period End Closing Financial Accounting Includes those processes required to close the books and prepare financial reports; accruals and reversals, foreign currency revaluations; balance confirmations with customers and vendors.

Cash Management covers a number of functions, including determination of liquidity based on bank account balances (cash position) and open receivables and payables (liquidity forecast).

Cost of sales accounting compares the sales revenues for an accounting period with the costs involved in the production of the sold products.

Fully Automated User Defined MIS report engine provides various MIS reports as per user definition.

ORBITS FMS – Fleet Management System

  • Taxi Services
  • Bus Services
  • Rental Services
  • Transport Services
  • Logistics Companies

ORBITS Fleet Management System is a complete Fleet Management Solution for Taxi Operators, Bus Operators, Logistics Companies, Rental Services & Transport Service Operators.

ORBITS Fleet Management System run on the best of the breed technology Oracle and can be easily integrated with ORBITS ERP Solution or any third-party application. ORBITS Fleet Managements System is a Comprehensive Solution and automates the entire business process from Vehicle Procurement, Operations, Maintenance, and Rental until the time the vehicle is de-fleeted.

ORBITS Fleet Management System helps Fleet Operators to track the entire business activities such as Vehicle, Vehicle History, Spares, Revenue, Maintenance, Driver and Users and gives the MIS to the Fleet Operators to run the entire operation efficiently & Effectively and help them to get the Return in Investment.

Benefits of ORBITS Fleet Management & Tracking Solution

Real Time Fleet Management Solutions are for small to large transportation and logistics companies to monitor and manage fleets based on GPS and GSM Technology. This solution provides a host of management reports enhancing the decision-making capability. Reports ranging from vehicle utilization, driving patterns, to compliance with safety norms.

Whether for a Taxi, Buses, Truck Trailer or Shipping Container, Tracking Solution can provide these answers from anywhere in the world through a reliable and secure data communications satellite system. Information is provided in the most efficient manner on a periodic basis, or when triggered by a critical event such as door opening or temperature threshold exceeded.

• Fully Integrated and Comprehensive Solution
• Based on Best of the Breed Technology “Oracle”
• Easy integration with GPS & GRPS
• User Friendly Application
• Rapid Implementation
• Modular Design
• Easy & Secured Administration
• Time Tested ERP Solution
• Orbits FMS Supports Arabic
• Ideal Solution for all Fleet Operations

Vehicle Tracking

• GSM, GPRS, SMS & Data
• Odometer
• Over RPM
• Speed (GPS)
• Harsh Breaking
• Excess Idle
• Accident Data
• Routing
• Areas
• Annual Monitoring Contracts
• Driver ID
• Free Wheeling
• SMS Messaging
• Voice
• Call me Button
• Managed Calls

ORBITS Driving School Management

ORBITS Driving School Management is a complete business solution for any Vehicle Driving School. It is a comprehensive software solution which consists of the following features:

• Students Registration
• File Opening
• Assessment Test
• Auto Scheduling of Classes
• Student’s Attendance
• Instructor Allocation & Utilization
• Cashiering
• Test Date Generation
• Training for Corporate

ORBITS Driving School Management security features provide an almost impregnable shield against unauthorized access. Every user is assigned a unique User ID, and a User-modifiable password, and attached to a group. Access rights are provided at the group level and can be controlled for every single menu option.

ORBITS Driving School Management’s System Module manages all the security and menu functions and controls housekeeping, version control, and documentation. The end result is a highly secure, reliable, and flexible operation environment, ORBITS Driving School Management software run on the best of the breed technology of Oracle, and is highly scalable.

ORBITS – Assets Management System

Bar coded Asset Management with complete auto depreciation and fully integrated to the finance module.

Easy Asset disposal/write off and Re-estimation process.

Depreciation based on asset utilization will give the comfort just do the depreciation only when then asset utilized.

Asset Accounting manages and supervises fixed assets. It serves as a subsidiary ledger to the General Ledger, providing detailed information on transactions involving fixed assets.

Asset Acquisition through Direct Capitalization involves the purchase of a fixed asset from a vendor and the capitalization of costs when the vendor invoice is processed.

Assets under construction involve the accumulation of costs during the building or construction of fixed assets and the capitalization of costs at the completion of construction.

ORBITS – Workshop Management

The Orbits Workshop modules provides support for all the functions related to Fleet maintenance starting from Job Card Opening till Invoicing and dispatching the fleet to the customer. This module is fully integrated with stores module which allows the service advisor to electronically request the required spare parts to the stores.

Issuance for spare parts against the Job card is controlled by RFID authentication to the technician. Complete Job card details are maintained electronically at every stage, Technician assignments are monitored electronically using Technician KIOSK terminals with RFID interface which allows the management to measure the technician performance and to process their incentives.

The Store Module is fully designed support the WORKSHOP module in all aspects such as placing PO against the indents raised from WORKSHOP or to refill the local stock of fast moving items. This module also cover multiple authorizations and approvals at various levels and the customized dashboard allows the store keeper to monitor the spare parts requests and their waiting time.

ORBITS HR & Payroll System

The Human Resources Suite includes modules that support all functions related to Visa processing, Personnel, Time keeping, and Payroll.

The Personnel module maintains all employee related data including compensation, promotion, increments, transfers, leave, resignation, and termination. Compensation and benefits can be rule based wherever a well-defined grade structure exists, or created individually for each employee. Employee profiles including education, experience and skill sets can be maintained including a document register for passports, permits and licenses. An appraisal system is also available as an optional module.

The Payroll Processing module is designed to take attendance inputs from automated Time Keeping systems or through manual input. During manual inputs, both fixed working hours as well as flexi-time are allowed. Employees can be grouped into several processing cycles and each cycle payroll processed separately.

This helps in balancing the payroll processing load. A special feature to take care of Ramadan timings is also included for Middle-East installations. Outputs include Pay envelopes, Bank statements and wage summaries. The data is archived for Annual bonus processing and for other year-end costing runs

ORBITS Inventory Management

Inventory management covers all stock control functions including purchase request, purchase request approvals, publish purchase request for quotes, supplier response update, evaluation based on price or warranty or lead time or country of origin, etc. material receipts into stock and associated weighted average calculations; material issues against delivery orders or requisitions; stock transfer between warehouses; and purchase returns as well as issue returns.

Material receipts require Purchase Order references and can optionally create the vendor’s payable records for accounting with contract option and price adjustments. Material issues create all the relevant accounting entries for stock and job costing.

Material returns require the original document reference to ensure correct accounting entries and supervisor authorization where the references are unavailable. A dedicated dashboard to summarize the inventory data to the management.

ORBITS  Car/Bus Rental Management

The Rent A Car module is an on-line front office module for a car rental agency with multi branch facility. It handles booking of rental agreements for short, medium and long terms contracts, user friendly billing and auto interface to the Accounting module.

Fully parameterized rental tariff for walk-in and corporate customers. Option to make agreement for Chauffer only, A special feature is the vehicle performance review, which is used to determine the profitability of vehicles in service to determine ‘sell or continue’ decisions.

Replacement of vehicles in an agreement is made, Traffic and municipality fines are captured and tracked with the date and time against a customer. Automated customer follow-up for agreement renewal and vehicle service dues, A dedicated dashboard to summarize the operation data to the management.